1, My Address, My Street, New York City, NY, USA
The Backstory

Welcome to Playing Together. This initiative is the realization of my vision. I am an African American Jewish woman who lives at an intersection encompassing gender, ethnicity, culture and religion.

In the course of my life I have experienced life through African American, American Jewish and European American cultures and as a woman/woman of color. I am very much aware of the histories, herstories and cultures I carry within me and which exist in the United States of America. There is an integral, intertwined thread and that is of the shared legacies between the African/Black American and Jewish American communities.

It was early 2023 that I found myself reflecting on how both communities once made such momentous gains against the burning, bloody and sorrowful racism that is the foundation of the United States of America. Then, it fell apart. But, optimist that I am, allowed my mind to open and questions to flow: Is it time? What if we began to close the chasm between two marginalized communities, the African American and Jewish American communities? What if we allowed ourselves to move forward? Do I have a role in this? If so, what is my role? I have lived my life knowing I am here to be a bridge between people and across cultures. Am I who I am and in this particular place at this particular time to bridge the gap? It is not a politically activist role. It is social. Yes, I can help build social bridges. That I can do. Bring people face to face. Build bonds.

A successful Juneteenth experience with my synagogue and the ADL kicked off the movement.

In quick and short order I saw the pieces come together in my mind. Conversations, Laughter. Love. Food. Music, Film. Art. Books. It brought to mind something I learned a few decades ago - Sabian Symbols. The Sabian Symbols, based on a Mesopotamian system, were conceived in 1925 in Balboa Park in San Diego, CA, the city in which I live. In short, it has a symbol for each day of the year. The one corresponding for the day I was born has the description "Black and White Children Playing Happily Together". Radical for its time then. Sadly, radical now.



This Symbol shows the integration of people of different races, religions, economic status or places. You may find people from different or seemingly disparate or separate areas coming into your life, making it richer, more rewarding and interesting. Prejudice of any kind, whether religious or race based, economic or class systems, is an illusion based on social perception and excludes people that could add to our lives. Social perceptions can color how we see others and these need to be put aside. Rather, it’s about embracing brotherhood and caring. The integration, acceptance and enjoyment of all people brings depth and meaning to life.
Universal brotherhood. Overcoming prejudices and boundaries. Knocking down social boundaries that separate people. Accepting people from anywhere. Affirmative action.

That is about the radicality of racial justice in the face of the injustice of everyday discrimination, marginalization and oppression. It is about the joy and innocence of children who play together, laugh, share, support and love each other because their commonality is that of human beings. They play together.

But is this where I should exercise leadership? I asked myself. Are there people who want me to facilitate this journey? It turned out there were/are and things began to get done!

My hopeful vision is shared by others and moving forth. It is a vision of building bridges between the African/Black community and largely Ashkenazi Jewish community and centering African/Black Jewish people, all in San Diego, CA. It will take place through a common love of food, film, music and art.

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